With a strong nature-inspired learning, The Grange constantly strives to create a learning environment that helps our learners see the wonders and process of nature. By committing to learning both inside and outside the classroom, learning occurs everywhere, at all times.

Engaging the outdoors is an integral aspect of learning at The Grange
The Grange has been building on its Green Granger Initiative since 2020, students have been actively engaged in sustainable practices such as organic gardening, recycling programs and organising awareness campaigns to enhance their understanding of environmental issues and nurture them to become global citizen.
The Grange has integrated an Eco-Garden and Urban Farming areas into our outdoor play areas where students get to experience learning amongst nature along Singapore’s green-belt.
Every student’s journey, every tree’s beginning. “Grow With The Grange” is the latest campaign that has taken root as part of The Grange’s Green Granger Initiative. This initiative in collaboration with Green Steps is committed to plant a tree named after every student in the school. Green Steps is a technology company committed to environmental sustainability by fostering partnerships with local communities in four different continents.
Why do we need trees? Trees play a vital role in our ecosystem by mitigating climate change and creating a healthier environment for ourselves and future generations. By including the local population in forestry efforts, the initiative also creates job opportunities.
Find out more here.

The Eco-Garden features a specially curated “food forest” to mimic the structure of a natural forest to support students’ Science learning about plants and faunas in the tropical region. Students learn to identify and name different varieties of common flowers, fruits and vegetables. Students get to bring home harvested vegetables and fruits to share with their family.